Housing Week in Middle-Earth #14 – The Final Fifteen !

At last D&Co presents the Final Fifteen of the 14th Housing Week in Middle-Earth contest!

It’s time for everyone to sit down with a pen and paper (and maybe something to drink/eat) and tally up the points for their favorite Kinship Houses in this edition of the Housing Week in Middle-Earth contest.

First of all, I want to warmly thank every single one of the entrants who decided to participate in this contest! There were 44 total entries this time around.

Again, thank you to everyone who participated!

Unfortunately, as is always the case, decisions had to be made.

So here they are: 15 houses from which a single one will be chosen to rule them all! A photo report has been created for each house but I strongly encourage you to visit them all yourself if possible.

Take your time in exploring them, tally up the numbers, cast your votes, and enjoy!

Note: names of neighborhoods aren’t necessarily consistent across the game’s three languages, so the language of the client (launcher) corresponding to the listed neighborhood is specified under each address.

The Final Fifteen

#1 : Aquarium of Middle-Earth
Bree-land - Landroval

#2 : Auberge de Vellhem
Shire - Sirannon

#3 : Avallon
Belfalas - Brandywine

#4 : Bed & Breakfast
Bree-land - Arkenstone

#5 : Game of Kins
Bree-land - Arkenstone

#6 : Gray Company
Belfalas - Brandywine

#7 : Haflith
Thorin's Hall - Crickhollow

#8 : House Eldanar
Erebor - Laurelin

#9 : Les Hérauts d'Endor
Belfalas - Sirannon

#10 : Manoir Cromley
Erebor - Sirannon

#11 : Mostly Harmless Wayfarers
Shire - Arkenstone

#12 : Order of the Silver Lily's
Erebor- Brandywine

#13 : The Crazy Animals
Falathlorn - Sirannon

#14 : Utulie'n Aure
Belfalas - Laurelin

#15 : Warriors of Moria
Shire - Gladden

The voting system:

  • Each house is given an average score between 1 and 10 based on the Jury’s and the public’s votes
  • The weighting of the votes is as follows: 40% Jury, 60% public
  • Jurors are: Edward, Kaels, Laurel, Prunaprismia and me

Scenario’s Choice: Scenario (World Builder) will be with us again and will choose his favorite house. The winner will receive 1000 Lotro Points.

The rules:

(contest presentation post)

  • You have until Tuesday, December 6th, 11:59pm EST time, to vote.
  • You can rate each house anything from 1 to 10
  • You can vote for one or more houses; there are no restrictions
  • One vote per person (I'm watching you :p!)

You can vote for yourself if you like.

Play fair !

  • Votes like "I give myself a 10 and everyone else a 1" will be refused.
  • You can give yourself a 10 but votes which intentionally lower the average scores of other houses will not be accepted.


Note: Rewards are cumulative.

Buy me a coffee

Explorer of unexplored places and collector of decorations, Yao offers you a whole range of items brought from the four corners of Middle Earth. If you like what I do, or I’ve helped you in some way please consider buying me a coffee.


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