Ambient Music

This page lists all the ambient music available in LotRO.

Note: You can only put one ambient music per classic house (Thorin’s, Bree, Falathlorn, Shire Homesteads).

Update 32 :

  • You can now put 2 or more ambient music inside your premium houses.
  • Premium houses also allow you to put one ambient music in your yard.

‘The Isle of Storms’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from ‘The Isle of Storms’.”

Way to obtain: ‘The Isle of Storms’ Instance (Umbar) – T1+
Price : 
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘The Streets of Râhal Bakh’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from ‘The Streets of Râhal Bakh’.”

Way to obtain: ‘The Streets of Râhal Bakh’ Instance (Umbar) – T1+
Price : 
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Dahâl Huliz, The Arena’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from ‘Dahâl Huliz, The Arena’.”

Way to obtain: ‘Dahâl Huliz, The Arena’ Instance (Umbar) – T1+
Price : 
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Stories Beneath the Surface’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from “Beneath the Surface” and “The Song of Waves and Wind” stories.”

Way to obtain: Citizens of Umbar Reputation – Ally
Price : 
10 Umbari Tâm
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Umbar-Môkh Combat’ Themes

“A selection of combat music pieces from Umbar-môkh.”

Way to obtain: Citizens of Umbar Reputation – Ally
Price : 
10 Umbari Tâm
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Umbar-Môkh’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Umbar-môkh.”

Way to obtain: Citizens of Umbar Reputation – Ally
Price : 
10 Umbari Tâm
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘The Song of Waves and Wind’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from ‘The Song of Waves and Wind’.”

Way to obtain: Reward for completing Chapter 7.5 of The Song of Waves and Wind epic quest (Umbar)
Price : 
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Umbar Baharbel’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Umbar Baharbêl, City of the Corsairs.”

Way to obtain: Citizens of Umbar Reputation – Friend
Price : 
10 Umbari Tâm
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Umbar and the Shield Isles Landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Umbar and the Shield Isles.”

Way to obtain: Citizens of Umbar Reputation – Acquaintance
Price : 
10 Umbari Tâm
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Outer Gondor Landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Outer Gondor.”

Way to obtain: The Renewal of Gondor Reputation Barterer (King’s Gondor) – Acquaintance
Price :
10 Marks of Renewal
Item :
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Corsairs of Umbar Combat’ Themes

“A selection of combat music pieces from Outer Gondor and Umbar.”

Way to obtain: Ledger-Keepers Allegiance Barterer
Price : 
10 Legder-keeper marks
Item : Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Corsairs of Umbar Tavern’ Themes

“A selection of tavern music pieces.”

Way to obtain: Order of the Eagle Allegiance Barterer
Price : 
10 Eagle Bits
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Gondor Renewed Combat’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Gondor Renewed.”

Way to obtain: The Renewal of Gondor Reputation Barterer (King’s Gondor) – Acquaintance
Price :
15 Marks of Renewal
Item :
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Gondor Renewed’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Gondor Renewed.”

Way to obtain: The Renewal of Gondor Reputation Barterer (King’s Gondor) – Acquaintance
Price :
15 Marks of Renewal
Item :
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Sixteen Years of Welcome’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from character creation.”

Way to obtain: Anniversary Event (Barterer)
Price :
7 Anniversary Tokens
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Return to Carn Dûm Combat’ Themes

“A selection of combat music pieces from The Return to Carn Dûm.”

Way to obtain: Instances Quartermaster (Bail Avarc – Return to Carn Dûm)
Price : 
50 Sarskillin
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Return to Carn Dûm’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from The Return to Carn Dûm.”

Way to obtain: Instances Quartermaster (Bail Avarc – Return to Carn Dûm)
Price : 
50 Sarskillin
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘The Black Grave’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from The Black Grave instance.”

Way to obtain: Random loot drop in Sarch Vorn, the Black Grave (Cardolan) – Solo+, T1+
Price :
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Before the Shadow Adventures’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from adventuring in Swanfleet.”

Way to obtain: Before the Shadow Missions Barterers
Price : 
10 Greyflood Marks
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Cardolan Adventures’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from adventuring in Cardolan.”

Way to obtain: Delving Reward Vendor (missions)
Price :
500 Delving Writs
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘The Doom of Caras Gelebren’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the ‘The Doom of Caras Gelebren’ skirmish.”

Way to obtain: Random loot from “Caras Gelebren” skirmish (Swanfleet) – Solo+, T1+
Price : 
Item :
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Before the Shadow Epic’ Themes – Part 2

“A selection of music pieces from ‘Before the Shadow’.”

Way to obtain: Reward from the Quest: “Afterword: In Memory of the Fallen” (Cardolan epic quest)
Price : 
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Swanfleet Landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the Swanfleet landscapes.”

Way to obtain: Dunedain of Cardolan – Reputation Barterers – Acquaintance
Price : 
20 Iron Coins of Cardolan
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Cardolan Landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the Cardolan landscapes.”

Way to obtain: Dunedain of Cardolan – Reputation Barterers – Acquaintance
Price : 
20 Iron Coins of Cardolan
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Before the Shadow Epic’ Themes – Part 1

“A selection of music pieces from ‘Before the Shadow’.”

Way to obtain: Reward from the Quest: “Chapter 8: A Journey Alone” (Cardolan epic quest)
Price : 
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Angle of Mitheithel’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the Angle of Mitheithel.”

Way to obtain: The Angle of Mitheithel Reputation Barterer – Friend
Price : 
5 Marks of the Angle
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Gundabad Landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Gundabad landscape.”

Way to obtain: Gundabad Mission or Zhelruka Allegiance Barterers
Price : 
50 Gundabad Mountain-marks or 2 Tokens of the Zhelruka
Item : 
Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Gundabad Combat and Instance’ Themes

“A selection of combat and instance music pieces from Gundabad.”

Way to obtain: Gundabad Reputation Barterer – Friend
Price : 
30 Silver Coins of Gundabad
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Rebelling Dwarves and the Last Dwarrowmoot’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from The Legacy of Durin chapters 10 to 11.”

Way to obtain: Gundabad Reputation Barterer – Friend
Price : 
30 Silver Coins of Gundabad
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘Gundabad Legacy of Durin’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from The Legacy of Durin chapters 5 to 9.”

Way to obtain: Gundabad Reputation Barterer – Friend
Price : 
30 Silver Coins of Gundabad
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘The Fall of Khazad Dûm’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from The Fall of Khazad-dûm Raid.”

Way to obtain: The Fall of Khazad-dûm Raid (Azanulbizar) – T1+ or Fall of Khazad-dûm Quartermaster (Require completion of T1 deed)
Price :
-loot- or 2500 Figments of Splendour
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

‘The Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from The Blood of Azog ‘Nar’s Tale’, ‘Coucil of the Seven’, ‘Bonds of Oak and Iron’, ‘The Lord of Moria’ and ‘A final Reckoning’.”

Way to obtain: Haban’Akkâ of Thrain Reputation (Azanulbizar) Barterer – Acquaintance
Price :
5 Zakaf-Beshek
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Azanulbizar Combat’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Azanulbizar.”

Way to obtain: Haban’Akkâ of Thrain Reputation (Azanulbizar) Barterer – Acquaintance
Price :
5 Zakaf-Beshek
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Azanulbizar Landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Azanulbizar landscape.”

Way to obtain: Haban’Akkâ of Thrain Reputation (Azanulbizar) Barterer – Acquaintance
Price :
5 Zakaf-Beshek
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

War of the Three Peaks Instances Theme

“A selection of music pieces from the War of Three Peaks Instances.”

Way to obtain: Drop from Shakalush, the Stair Battle (Elderslade Instance)
Price :
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

Dark Music Box

“A music box of dark evil.”

Way to obtain: Drop from Ost Dunhoth (Raid – Fear Wing – Challenge) + Taxidermists
Price :
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Grey Mountains Raid’ Theme

“A selection of Grey Mountains Raid music pieces.”

Way to obtain: Grey Mountains Instances (Barterer)
Price :
25 Coin of Grárik
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Grey Mountains Instance’ Theme

“A selection of Grey Mountains Instances music pieces.”

Way to obtain: Grey Mountains Instances (Barterer)
Price :
25 Coin of Grárik
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

Yule Fest Themes

“A selection of seasonal music pieces for Yule.”

Way to obtain: Random loot from opening Hobbit Presents during Yule Festival
Price :
-Silver/Gold Gifts-
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

The Great Wedding Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the Midsummer Wedding of Aragorn and Arwen.”

Way to obtain: Midsummer Festival – The Great Wedding
Price :
15 Midsummer Token
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

​Spring Festival Theme​

“A selection of three Spring Festival music pieces.”​

Way to obtain: Spring Festival
Price :
13 Spring Leaves
Item : 
Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

Summerdays Music Box

“A selection of summer music pieces.”

Way to obtain: Summer Festival/Farmers Faire
Price :
30 Farmers Faire Tokens
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

Triumphs of the Dwarves Music Box

“A selection of triumphant dwarf battle-music pieces.”

Way to obtain: Summer Festival/Farmers Faire
Price :
30 Farmers Faire Tokens
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

Eternal Elven-song Music Box

“A selection of Elven-music pieces.”

Way to obtain: Summer Festival/Farmers Faire
Price :
30 Farmers Faire Tokens
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘The Wastes’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the Wastes.”

Way to obtain: Host of the West Reputation (Northern Ithilien – Ally)
Price :
10 Host of the West Silver Pieces
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘The Wastes Epic’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from epic instances in the Wastes.”

Way to obtain: Host of the West Reputation (Northern Ithilien – Ally)
Price :
10 Host of the West Silver Pieces
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Wildwood’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from Wildwood.”

Way to obtain: Wildwood Reputations (Neutral – League of the Axe or Acquaintance – The Woodcutter’s Brotherhood)
Price :
20 Marks of the Wilds
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

‘Elderslade landscape’ Themes

“A selection of music pieces from the Elderslade landscape.”

Way to obtain: Gabil’Akkâ Missions (Uzkhas)
Price :
20 Gabil’akkâ War-marks
Item : 
Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

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