#10 : Manoir Cromley

Address : 4 Oakenshield Way

Neighborhood : Amsal-khur - Erebor

Language & Server : French - Sirannon

A few word from the homeowner: 

"Welcome to Cromley Manor, the estate of a noble family of the Dale Lands. The building is a collaboration between dwarves and humans, overlooking the Long Lake and embedded in the mountain. The lord of the house, Aleistor Cromley, is fond of all sorts of trinkets and occult artifacts left behind by the War of the Ring.
The outer garden hosts a scaled statue of an ancient fire drake to the east, and a memorial to Aleistor's late wife to the west.
The lower garden is supposed to be at the pinnacle of the main tower; there is a large arena that hosts fighting tournaments.
Inside, you will find many rooms to explore, as well as several corridors leading to chambers and galleries inaccessible to visitors.

Enjoy your visit!"

D&Co's Photo Report


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