You’ve waited patiently and here they are !
After a week and a half of visits and votes, it is time to present the results of the 12th edition of Housing Week in Middle Earth !
Again I would like to thank all of the participants for this competition. Whether you were chosen for the final round or not, I hope you decide to participate again in future contests.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful members of the jury who have accompanied me for this contest, again ! :).
I gathered all the data and there were a total of 108 in the ballot box. Congratulations and thank you again !
As a reminder, the final score for each house is obtained by the average weighted score of the public (70%) and the jury (30%). The jury, alone, designates the winner of the Jury Prize: "Host of Middle-earth".
The results
Without further ado, here are the top five :
#5 - Noodly
Audience average: 7.2 - Jury average: 7 - Final score: 7.14
"The floral room makes an impact, both with the flowers used, the lighting effects, and the tapestry."
"Very good ideas of decoration, as always 😉 Special mention to the fireplace which is very original!
I really liked the laboratory, what originality! The room is very bright, pleasantly colored, a very good use of the walls as well as the atmospheres! We never had a greenhouse before, it seems to me, it's a very good idea!
The description is very funny, I really liked the twist of the goblin 🙂 Bravo !"
#4 - Ulfrric
Audience average: 7.23 - Jury average: 7.13 - Final score: 7.20
"I loved this dwarf house, with its elaborate entrance and decoration that fit perfectly into the chosen theme. Well done!"
"Very beautiful dwarf house! We start with a very successful entrance, the space is completely reworked with a very nice creation of Gondorian furniture, the addition of some plants makes it very lively, I love it!
Very clever ideas, like the bookcases half tucked into the walls that free up space for decoration! The bar is very nice, even if I'm not convinced by the bed next to it 😀
In short, a very nice dwarf house richly decorated, bravo!"
# 3 - Elrandor
Audience average: 7.21 - Jury average: 7.94 - Final score: 7.43
"Very nice flowered garden, the arrangement of the bush as well as the cypress perfectly frame the house!
A dwarf slap as we like them 🙂 everything is great in this house and breathes hair, beer and nobility not so past that! The throne room is magnificent, but my preference goes to the one containing the card tables, the choice of walls is very successful. It is always difficult for me to decorate elven houses properly, but in this case to combine this difficulty with a dwarven atmosphere of this quality, bravo!"
"A magnificent Dwarf house, the ambassador's throne is a success, the atmosphere is superbly rendered, everything is in adequacy especially the decorations, and the masked elven fireplace a very good idea. A very nice work on the whole house."
"For a dwarf house, this is one! I love what you did with the Gundabad dais (I did pretty much the same thing at my dwarf house)."
#2 - Himeriya
Audience average: 7.43 - Jury average: 7.94 - Final score: 7.58
"A very beautiful garden, which always strikes me as long as there is a crimson 😉 and in this case, there are even two, the house is perfectly framed (even more with the small advance of the marriage), it is very beautiful.
A house full of very original ideas and memories, never seen, as notably this magnificent kitchen and THIS MAGNIFICENT SINK that I absolutely want! This room is perfectly laid out and totally viable, it's very successful. The banquet table is also very busy (the hot plate for the cake!), very nice layout. And the bedroom, what a great use of the barn! Small more for the dressing table and the plaid on the bed, it was necessary to think of it 😉 Bravo !"
"Beautifully flowered room and the awesome toilet bowl! Kitchen area is messy as hell (that's a compliment)."
"Big highlights in this home, including the sink in the kitchen. In the bedroom the redesign of the space with the barn, the water feature and the sink are a success. We also love the chandelier used as a stove for the cake."
#1 - Horason
Audience average: 8.65 - Jury average: 7.19 - Final score: 8.21
"Kudos for the secret piece, it's really nicely done, bravo! Probably the most beautiful room of this edition."
"A very nice use of the elven decorations we have in the game!"
"The decoration does not lack originality in its designs, the column door in particular."
"Nice flower garden well laid out in relation to the house, I really like it!
A very beautiful house full of good ideas of layout! Each entrance of room is worked, and it changes completely the perspectives of the house. I also love the library "bridge", it is very successful.
Special mention to the jeweler's room which is a real gem (haha). The atmosphere is enchanting, everything is mysterious and sought after, from the walls to the big gems of the throne, passing by the famous and very prized planetarium of Saruman to finish with this improbable creation with the purple geode! What imagination, bravo !"
I extend my congratulations to the winners of the 12th Housing Week in Middle Earth :).
Jury Prize
Finally, the Jury Prize, which goes to the home with the most beautiful yard.
We decided to award this prize to Cementarri (2 Points).
"A garden as I like them, simple, but true. The location of the house is one of my favorites in the Shire, I remember saving up for a long time to finally be able to put my bags on the edge of this pond...
The description also touched me a lot, I think we had the same grandfather who whistled quietly on his pontoon in the Sky Shire 🙂 the old caravan in the garden, the great lover of fishing and funny expressions, in short, everything pleases me in this garden! Trees, flowers, tenderness, what more could one wish? Nothing for me, everything is in this garden, my favorite, bravo!"
"Unpretentious little garden, but quite pleasant and peaceful."
"The garden just fits perfectly with the surroundings. So much so, it even looks like it was developed by SSG!"
The rewards :
- #1 - Horason - 1500 LotRO Points + Best House in the Neighbourhood Trophy+ a D&Co du Milieu Mug !
- #2 - Himeriya - 1000 LotRO Points + Best House in the Neighbourhood Trophy
- #3 - Elrandor - 500 LotRO Points + Best House in the Neighbourhood Trophy
- #4 - Ulfrric - Best House in the Neighbourhood Trophy + Tome of the Spirit Bear + Traveller’s Trusty Fiddle
- #5 - Noodly - Tome of the Spirit Bear + Traveller’s Trusty Fiddle
- JURY : Cementarri - 1000 LotRO Points + Best House in the Neighbourhood Trophy
You'll receive your rewards later today !
And so end this edition of Housing Week in Middle Earth.
Thanks everyone !
D&Co du Milieu
3 Responses
Surely one of the most beautiful weeks of Housing with very nice houses that it was difficult to decide!
My sincere congratulations to all the participants!
I agree with my elven friend on this point, I’ve rarely had so much trouble deciding between participants ! Congratulations to all !
Fantastic houses! They all look so beautiful. Congrats!