Erebor Homesteads

Welcome to the Abodes of Erebor!

Neighborhood Presentation

The Neighborhood:

One of Smaug’s last treasure hoards has been opened and the Dwarves of Erebor have moved to reclaim it! Join them in owning a piece of Middle-earth, in the Great Hall under the Mountain!

This homestead is located inside Erebor, with an acces from The Dwelling-Halls near the Jewelstead. 

The Town Square:

As with all the other housing estates in Middle Earth, the Erebor neighborhood contains many basic goods and services in a central area of the village.

This includes a vault-keeper, auctioneer, forge and relic masters, supplier, healer, home furnisher, task boards and collection boxes, and crafting stations. In addition, there is a housing broker here which will make visiting other neighborhoods quite convenient!

Access to the Erebor Homestead

There are many ways to get to the Erebor Homestead.

  • The trip from the Hall Under the Mountain or Tumnu-dûm, The Dwelling-halls is quite easy.
  • You’ll find the Housing Broker’s Office in Bree (across the street from the Bree-town Hall), allowing you to visit or purchase houses in any of the Housing areas throughout Middle Earth


U25.1 – A new Stablemaster has been placed in the social center of Housing neighborhoods that offers travel between a number of major destinations across Middle-earth and between housing homesteads.

Premium Housing

What is Premium Housing?

There are some important differences between the premium housing and the original four neighborhoods.

For a comparison between premium and classic housing : use this page.

To begin, purchasing a Premium house is done through the LOTRO store using LOTRO points. You can buy your house with either Mithril Coins or Premium Housing Writs.

There are a number of benefits that come with owning a premium house in Belfalas:

  • You can own as many premium houses as you want on as many or few characters as you want, in addition to your original house in one of the other four neighborhoods
  • The smallest house in Erebor has more decoration hooks than any house in Eriador
  • Erebor neighborhoods each contain one unique house with a unique interior and yard that is a little bit different from the other houses of the neighborhood (The Geode house, Erebor only!)
  • Only a one minute cooldown on the house port
  • Each premium houses have a Music hook in their yard, and multiple Music hooks inside the house (compared to a single one on classic houses)
  • You can customize the dayfile of your yard using the Ambient Environment hook (changing the weather, adding clouds, etc)
  • No monthly maintenance fee for VIP players

In case you transfer a character or account to another server, the house is fully refunded. You will get special Writs that you can redeem for a new premium house.

In case of abandonment or seizure of the house, you will be reimbursed for up to 90% of the starting price through the Writs.


Each neighborhood contains:

  • 1 Stately house (Geode House, special)
  • 12 Base (Standard) houses 
  • 6 Deluxe houses 
  • 1 Kinship House

The interactive map is only available on desktop version of the website, it does not work when accessing the site from a mobile device.


Base HouseSpecial (Geode) HouseDeluxe HouseKinship House
Interior Hooks145175263278
Light Hooks10131720
Ambient Music2233
Surface (Floor)781720
Color (Floor)781720
Surface (Wall)781416
Color (Wall)781416
Exterior Hooks474798119
Enormous Yard (Mobile)1155
Huge Yard (Mobile)881020
Yard/Furniture (Mobile)28284545
Universal Yard Hooks*2020
Ambient Environment (Cave)1115
Hitching Post771215
Ambient Music1115

*Universal Yard Hooks: a special hook that you can find on some Erebor houses that can accept Yard, Furniture, and Wall items.

Buy me a coffee

Explorer of unexplored places and collector of decorations, Yao offers you a whole range of items brought from the four corners of Middle Earth. If you like what I do, or I’ve helped you in some way please consider buying me a coffee.