Classic vs Premium Housing Comparison

If you are just beginning the life of a decorator in Middle Earth, trying to find your way around housing can be a bit confusing. So I thought, what better way to compare and contrast the different neighborhoods than with a table?!

Here is a simple reference which can be used the next time you decide to invest in a new home in LotRO, whether you are a layman or the most enthusiastic of decorators!

Number of Neighborhoods Available41211
Number of Houses per Neighborhoods3024112013
Small Personal House (Standard)YesYesNoYesYes
Large Personal House (Deluxe)YesYesYesYesYes
Huge Personal House (Meadhall)NoNoYesNoNo
Kinship HouseYesYesNoYesYes
Average Price - Standard House (Small)1 Gold Coin137-243 Mithril Coins or
6-10 Property Writs
/300 Mithril Coins or 12 Property Writs
Geode house : 600 Mithril Coins or 24 Property Writs
213 Mithril Coins or 9 Property Writs
Stately house : 522 Mithril Coins or 21 Property Writs
Average Price - Deluxe House
7 Gold Coins422-493 Mithril Coins or
17-20 Property Writs
422-747 Mithril Coins or
17-30 Property Writs
500 Mithril Coins or 20 Property Writs322 Mithril Coins or 14 Property Writs
Stately house : 665 Mithril Coins or 27 Property Writs
Average Price - Kinship House14-16 Gold Coins707-894 Mithril Coins or
29-36 Property Writs
/1000 Mithril Coins or 40 Property Writs950 Mithril Coins or 38 Property Writs
Average Price - Meadhall (Huge Personal House)//894 Mithril Coins or
36 Property Writs
Average Upkeep Price (Weekly)50-345 Silver Coins1-5 Gold Coins1-5 Gold Coins1-5 Gold Coins1-5 Gold Coins
Free Upkeep for VIPsNoYesYesYesYes
Personal Housing Chest (Account)Yes
Personal Housing Chest (Account) - Available slots for free30
Personal Housing Chest (Account) - Maximum available slots195
Separate Unique ChestNoYes
Separate Unique Chest - Available slots/25 per house
Kinship Housing Chest - Available slots for free3030/3030
Kinship Housing Chest - Maximum available slots180180/180180
Interior (Average)ClassicBelfalasRohanEreborLyndelby
Personal House - Standard (Small)37134/145 (Geode: 175)145 (Stately: 173)
Personal House - Deluxe (Large)85163169 - 178 (Stately: 196-201)263216 (Stately: 243)
Personal House - Meadhall (Huge)//227 - 261//
Kinship House131206/278344
Personal House - Standard (Small)520/4749 (Stately: 58)
Personal House - Deluxe (Large)72638 - 399867 (Stately: 75)
Personal House - Meadhall (Huge)//70//
Kinship House1232 - 59/11992
PERKS / DIFFERENCESClassicBelfalasRohanEreborLyndelby
Ability to have more than one house per serverNoYesYesYesYes
Kinship House on a personal Island/Yes///
More than one interior to decorate per house//Yes//
A unique interior for your house//Yes
Eastfold : Tower
Kingstead : Cave
Yes - Geode HouseYes - Stately houses have a interior cave
Interior Yard for your house/Yes///
"Light" Hooks//YesYesYes
"Mount" Hooks (Hitching Post)//YesYesYes
"Columns" Hooks//Yes (Meadhall)//
"Fire Pit" Hooks//Yes (Meadhall)YesYes
"Fence" Hooks////Yes
"Ambient Music" Hooks for Yards/YesYesYesYes
Multiple "Ambient Music" hooks inside your house/YesYesYesYes
"Ambient Environment" Hooks/YesYesYes (Cave)Yes
City Center - Vault-KeeperYesYesYesYesYes
City Center - Auctioneer/YesYesYesYes
City Center - Crafting Stations//YesYesYes

If you still have some questions, don't hesitate to comment after this or check our Guide : An Introduction to LotRO Housing !

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