U33.1 – Housing Preview

Bullroarer is back, and when it’s back, that means new deco items are coming, doesn’t it?

Post was updated (8/9)

Hello everyone!

Bullroarer was updated this week with a preview of Update 33.1, which should be live before the end of July.

Aside from many PvMP changes, the Further Adventures of Elladan & Elrohir are available for you to test.

And with these new chapters of Further Adventures, we’ll get some new deco items!

Here’s a preview of all the new items available at the moment on Bullroarer.

Update: I’ve also added the new items from Farmers Faire festival and Treasure Bugan event!

The Further Adventures of Elladan & Elrohir

Note: these items are available from the Further Adventures barterer in exchange for Tokens of Further Adventures. So, if you’re interested in these, you can already start gathering the tokens on the live servers.

Discover the new items from The Further Adventures here

Treasure Bugan Event

No new items for this event, but some of the old items that were available before during Midsummer Hobbit Gifts are now available for this event. 

Disover the Treasure Bugan Event items here

Farmers Faire Festival

Two new items are coming with this festival. 

And also, all the Surfaces (Wall) from this festival now have their associated Decorative Walls. 

Disover the Farmer’s Faire items here

As always, I’ll update this post in the next few weeks if I see something new on Bullroarer.

Have fun!


Buy me a coffee

Explorer of unexplored places and collector of decorations, Yao offers you a whole range of items brought from the four corners of Middle Earth. If you like what I do, or I’ve helped you in some way please consider buying me a coffee.


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