Housing Week in Middle-Earth #12 – The Final Fifteen !

At last D&Co presents the Final Fifteen of the 12th Housing Week in Middle-Earth contest !

It’s time for everyone to sit down with a pen and paper (and maybe something to drink/eat) and tally up the points for their favorite Personal Houses of Eriador in this edition of Housing Week in Middle-Earth contest.

First of all I want to warmly thank every single one of the entrants who decided to participate in this contest ! There were 39 total entries this time around.

Again, thank you to everyone who participated!

Unfortunately, as is always the case, choices had to be made. I decided to present a list of 15 homes with descriptions and pictures.

However, I want the home owners whom I could not select to know I appreciate their participation very much.
As always, my decisions are often based on a number of different criteria but everyone had some nice and unique things to show.

So here they are, 15 houses from which a single one will be chosen to rule them all ! A photo report has been created for each house but I strongly encourage you to visit them all yourselves if possible.

Take your time in exploring them, tally up the numbers, cast your votes, and enjoy !

Note: the name of the neighborhood is not necessarily very similar depending on the language used in the game, so the language of the client (launcher) is specified each time under the address.

The Final Fifteen

#1 : Cementarri
The Shire - Arkenstone

#2 : Crea
Bree-Land - Brandywine

#3 : Elainos
The Shire - Gladden

#4 : Elrandor
Falathlorn - Sirannon

#5 : Himeriya
Bree-Land - Brandywine

#6 : Horason
Bree-Land - Sirannon

#7 : Lalluin
Bree-Land - Sirannon

#8 : Laurelinarien
Falathlorn - Gladden

#9 : Lonereth
Bree-Land - Evernight

#10 : Mossi
Bree-Land - Landroval

#11 : Noodly
Bree-Land - Landroval

#12 : Rhuangar
Bree-Land - Brandywine

#13 : ScifiSpirit
Bree-Land - Crickhollow

#14 : Simpinaina
Thorin's Hall - Gladden

#15 : Ulfrric
Thorin's Hall - Arkenstone

With regards to the voting….

Housing Week in Middle Earth would not be what it is without your (the public’s) thoughts and participation. Thank you for your time in considering the final candidates and submitting your votes.

The voting system:

  • Each house is given an average score from 1 to 10 made up of the public’s and the jury’s votes
  • The weighting is as follows : 30% for the Jury, 70% for the public
  • The Jury determines the winner of the Jury Prize
  • Juror are : Kaels, Edward, Prunaprismia and myself

The rules:

  • You have until Sunday, January 30th, 11:59pm EST time, to vote.
  • You can rate each house anywhere from 1 to 10
  • You can vote for one or more houses, there are no restrictions
  • One vote per person (I'm watching you :p!)

You can vote for yourself if you like.

Play fair !

  • Votes like "I give myself a 10 and everyone else a 1" will be refused.
    You can give yourself a 10 but intentionally lowering the average score of other houses will not be considered.


Note: Rewards are not cumulative. If your position in the ranking already earns you points, you will not be able to cumulate with the Jury Prize and the winnings will be staggered.
Concrete example: I finish first and I win the Jury Prize -> so I win a 1500 LOTRO Points code, a mug and a housing trophy. The 1000 points of the jury prize are carried over to 3rd place and the 500 points of the 3rd place carried over the 4th place.
Example 2: If I finish 4th and win the Jury Prize, I win 1000 LOTRO Points + what I what supposed to win with the 4th place. The remaining housing trophy is shifted to 5th place.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask !



>> VOTE <<

D&Co du Milieu

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Explorer of unexplored places and collector of decorations, Yao offers you a whole range of items brought from the four corners of Middle Earth. If you like what I do, or I’ve helped you in some way please consider buying me a coffee.


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