Landroval•Joined 03/06/2018•Chief
Explorer of unexplored places ( and collector of decorations, Yao offers you a whole range of items brought from the four corners of Middle Earth.
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Bree-Land Houses:
1, High Road, Sherton – Bree-land Homesteads
2, High Road, Sherton – Bree-land Homesteads
6 Chestnut Street, Sherton – Bree-land Homesteads (Halloween House)
Thorin’s Hall Houses:
5 Roaring Road, Brunisbrak – Thorin’s Homesteads (Christmas House)
6 Roaring Road, Brunisbrak – Thorin’s Homesteads
Rohan Houses:
1 Mare Street, Epscroft – Kingstead Homestead
Shire Houses:
4 Wending Way, Vinepool – Shire Homesteads
Erebor Houses:
1 Ironfoot Road, Uzagh-Mekhem – Erebor Homesteads